Friday, October 11, 2024

Reaching OUt To Stations For Assistance: Re Alternative Access For Shows

 Hello QRP Affiliates And Listeners:

As you no doubt know by now, The Internet Archive has suffered a major data breach. While it appears that no user content that was uploaded to the site has been lost, it is unclear just how long the archive will be offline as they attempt to beef up their security protocols to ensure that this never happens again. This will mean that the files I uploaded will not be accessible until the site is put back online, and I have no idea when that will be. Some "doomsday" scenario theorists have suggested that the archive could be offline permanently as the site has also been plagued with legal challenges for some of the content it has been offering to users. While I personally do not believe this serious data hack is a fatal blow to the archive, it is painfully obvious that it will be a while before everything is back to "normal".

I have decided that I would like to find alternative sites to host my shows, particularly sites that cater specifically to public and community radio stations. However, I do not have the time or the resources needed to manually upload several years worth of content to these sites. This is where I am reaching out to others for help.

I know that some of ou have downloaded most or all of the content that has been lined to from the archive via this blog over the years. I would like to hire some of you to help me upload this content to other platforms. In particular, I would like to upload my shows to PRX (Public Racio Exchange) and Pacifica Audioport. My "sister company" Global Community Radio has active paid memberships in both of these websites. As such, I am allowed to upload an unlimited amount of content to both of them for possible download by other paid member stations. These sites will host my content for as long as I have an active membership. This could also potentially help QRP programming to garner more affiliates among community, campus, and public radio stations.

If any of you are willing to help me to upload this content to these two websites, I am willing to pay you for your time and your services. We can negotiate pricing in our initial dialog regarding this matter. I do not expect someone to do this for nothing, as I know there would be a lot of time and effort invested in such a task!

If you are interested in assisting me, please email or call/text 315-217-1308.

Thank you in advance.

Jason "Jake" Longwell
Quality Radio Productions

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