Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Jazz Scene 2408


Segment One

Who's Got You? by Bobby Hutcherson
CD: Skyline (Verve)

Blues For Toshiko by Toshiko Akiyoshi
CD: The Toshiko Trio (Black Lion)

Vibrations by Stuart Mack
Digital Album: Vibrations (Outside In)

Segment Two

Back Burner by Martin Bude
CD: Back Burner (Origin)

You Fascinate Me So by Blossom Dearie
CD: My Gentleman Friend (Verve)

My Impression by Gino Lattuca
CD: My Impression (B. Sharp)

Segment Three

Lle Mae Trefaldwyn by The Will Barnes Quartet
Digital Album: The Source of Severn (Aab)

A Quiet Place by Joel Quarrington
Digital Album: The Music of Don Thompson (Modica Music)

Better Days by Anthony Hervey
Digital Album: Words From My Horn (Outside In)

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