Sunday, August 25, 2024

Lake Air Deep Tracks 2411


Segment ONe

Baby Rainbow by Marc Allen
CD: Petals (Watercourse Music)

Virginia by Stephen Wallack
CD: Chapters (self-released)

The Clearing by Richard Warner
Double CD: Quiet Heart/Spirit Wind (Enso)

Wet Moon by Human Mesh Dance
CD: Mindflower (Instinct)

Teton Skyline by Scott Moulton
CD: Light On the Mountain (Revere)

Segment Two

Alexandrite by Greg Joy
CD: Tapestries (North Star)

The Ice Maiden by Michelle de Wilton
CD: Myths and Legends (self-released)

Blooming Kiss by G.E.N.E.
CD: Life is a Melody (Racket)

Journey of Dreams by Michelle Sell
CD: Dancing On Air (self-released)

Exit by Tangerine Dream
CD: Exit (Virgin)

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