Thursday, June 6, 2024

Sounds From the Global Village 2408


Segment One

Mul Sheshe by Fantazia
CD: Mul Sheshe (World Village)

Mataleena Pa Kallebro by Sahkopaimen
Digital Album: Harmara (CPL-Music)

Cambalache by Susana Baca
CD: Palabras Urgentes (Real World)

Kanabory Siyama by Diabel Cissokho
CD: Kanabory Siyama (World Village)

Segment Two

River by Talvin Singh and Niladri Kumar
CD: Together (World Village)

Lord Incihquin by Deiseal
CD: The Long Long Note (Starc)

Un Nino Que Llora en los Montes de Maria by Petrona Martinez
CD: Columbia: Bullerengue (Ocora)

Kramon Dos Chenchean by by Orchestra Pinpeat
CD: Cambodia: Music of the Royal Palace (Ocora)

Segment Three

Kappore by Junnosuke Uehara, Washu Yoneya and Kisaburo Umeya
CD: Japanese Celebration Melodies (Buda Musique)

Chaque Jour Nouveau by Meikhaneh
CD: Chants du Dedans, Chants du Dehors (Buda Musique)

Komoro by Mwezi Waq.
CD: Le Blues des Sourds-Muets (Buda Musique)

Oberek Pawelczyk by The Janusz Prusinowski Kompania
CD: Po Sladach (Buda Musique)

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